DevOps Engineering on AWS

Learn how to use DevOps philosophies, practices, and tools to develop, deliver, and maintain applications and services at high velocity on AWS

DevOps Engineering on AWS teaches you how to use the combination of DevOps cultural philosophies, practices, and tools to increase your organization’s ability to develop, deliver, and maintain applications and services at high velocity on AWS. This course covers continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), infrastructure as code, microservices, monitoring and logging, and communication and collaboration. Hands-on labs give you experience building and deploying AWS CloudFormation templates and CI/CD pipelines that build and deploy applications on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), serverless applications, and container-based applications. Labs for multi-pipeline workflows and pipelines that deploy to multiple environments are also included.

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Duration 3 days
Level intermediate
Format On Demand ILT

What you'll learn

  • Use DevOps best practices to develop, deliver, and maintain applications and services at high velocity on AWS
  • List the advantages, roles, and responsibilities of small, autonomous DevOps teams
  • Design and implement an infrastructure on AWS that supports DevOps development projects
  • Leverage AWS Cloud9 to write, run, and debug your code
  • And much more

About this course

Who should take this course
  • DevOps engineers
  • DevOps architects
  • Operations engineers
  • System administrators
  • Developers
What experience you'll need
  • Previous attendance at the Cloud Operations on AWS or Developing on AWS courses
  • Working knowledge of one or more high-level programing languages, such as C#, Java, PHP, Ruby, Python
  • Intermediate knowledge of administering Linux or Windows systems at the command-line level
  • Two or more years of experience provisioning, operating, and managing AWS environments

AboutAppsbroker Academy

Appsbroker Academy is an Authorised Training Partner for Google Cloud. Drawing on our own highly skilled engineers’ unique experiences and expertise, we provide dedicated, industry-specific training using real-life examples to help your people to thrive.

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