Authoring Visual Analytics Using Amazon QuickSight

Learn to leverage Amazon QuickSight to make data-driven decisions across your organization

Are you interested in gaining deeper business value from your data using visual analytics and ML-powered insights? Learn to leverage Amazon QuickSight by understanding how to connect to multiple data sources and author data visualizations and dashboards, to allow end-users to make better data-driven decisions. The Authoring Visual Analytics Using Amazon QuickSight course is led by an expert AWS instructor who will help you understand how to connect to data sources, build visuals, design interactivity, and transform your data using advanced calculations.

You will learn how to apply security and access controls in QuickSight, and explore the machine learning capabilities built into QuickSight. You will gain an understanding of how to build a visual analytics solution using QuickSight through tutorials, hands-on labs, discussions, demonstrations, presentations, and group exercises.

Enquire today
Duration 2 days
Level advanced
Format On Demand ILT

What you'll learn

  • Explain the benefits, use cases, and key features of Amazon QuickSight
  • Design, create, and customize QuickSight dashboards to visualize and extract business insights from your data
  • Select and configure appropriate visualization types to identify, explore, and drill down on business insights
  • Describe how to use one-click embed to incorporate visual analytics into applications
  • And much more

About this course

Who should take this course

Data and business analysts who build and manage business analytics dashboards.

What experience you'll need
  • Attendees should have a minimum of one-year experience in business intelligence or a similar function
  • Completed the following course: Data Analytics Fundamentals

AboutAppsbroker Academy

Appsbroker Academy is an Authorised Training Partner for Google Cloud. Drawing on our own highly skilled engineers’ unique experiences and expertise, we provide dedicated, industry-specific training using real-life examples to help your people to thrive.

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